Setelah lama dirumorkan, akhirnya Panasonic mengungkapkan beberapa spesifikasi awal pengembangan kamera Panasonic GH5. Kamera ini akan menawarkan kemampuan video 6K 30p dan 4K 60p yang pertama kali ditemukan dalam kamera konsumer, dan akan mendukung video 4K 4:2:2 10-bit. Rumor sebelumnya bisa dibaca disini.
Panasonic GH5 juga akan menyediakan mode foto 6K yang akan meng-ekstrak foto stills 18MP dari mode burst shot, atau foto stills 8MP dari klip video 4K 60p. Panasonic juga memusatkan kemajuan dalam proses pengolahan dan pembuangan panas di bodi kamera. Tidak ada informasi waktu peluncuran pastinya, yang pasti di tahun 2017.
Prototipe Lumix GH5 juga dipajang di ajang Photokina 2016 booth Panasonic bersama produk baru lainnya termasuk seri baru lensa merk Leica dari Ditjen Vario-Elmarit F2.8-4.0, dengan zoom 12-60mm, 8-18mm dan 50-200mm.
Table of Contents
Gambar Kamera Panasonic GH5

Press Release Development Panasonic GH5
Panasonic Develops the World’s First*1 4K 60p/50p Video Recording
Digital Single Lens Mirrorless Camera [DSLM] LUMIX GH5 Featuring ‘6K PHOTO’*2
Cologne, Germany (September 19, 2016) – Panasonic today announced that it is in development of a new Digital Single Lens Mirrorless (DSLM) Camera LUMIX GH5 that is capable of recording smooth, high-precision 4K 60p/50p and faithful 4:2:2 10-bit 4K video*3 for the first time in the world*1. It also features ‘6K PHOTO’*2which extracts approx.18-megapixel still images from ultra-high-quality video with approx. 9 times the pixel count of Full-HD. The new LUMIX GH5 is scheduled for commercialization and introduction to the global market in early 2017.
Panasonic has been committed to the development of innovative digital cameras under the theme “Create a New Photo Culture in the Digital Era.” The world’s first Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera LUMIX DMC-G1 was introduced in 2008*4 and the subsequent DMC-GH1 achieved the world’s first Full HD video recording in 2009*5.
In 2014, Panasonic introduced the DMC-GH4, which realized 4K 30p/25p video recording for the first time in the industry*6. At the same time, Panasonic proposed a new and unique method of photography called ‘4K PHOTO’ which allows users to capture fleeting photographic moments that even the eyes cannot catch, by using super-fast 4K resolution video frames at 30 fps that can be saved as high-quality photos. As a result, the DMC-GH4 is highly acclaimed for its exceptional hybrid performance in both photography and videography by a wide range of professional users worldwide – not only photographers but also cinematographers in the film production field, as well as emerging photo/video-hybrid creators.
By advancing Panasonic technologies, such as digital signal processing and heat dissipation, and packing them into the compact, lightweight body of a Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera, the LUMIX GH5 enables 4K 60p/50p and 4:2:2 10-bit 4K video recording*3, which has never before been achieved *1. With this unprecedented video recording performance, Panasonic aims to further capitalize on the strength that it has achieved in the film production industry.
In the LUMIX GH5, the conventional ‘4K PHOTO’ function is dramatically advanced to form ‘6K PHOTO’*2 which lets the user cut a still image out of ultra-high-quality approx.18-megapixel video with approx. 9 times the pixel count than Full-HD. Taking advantage of its high-speed, long-time burst shooting capability, spur-of-the-moment shots can be saved in beautiful photos with higher resolution that complies with larger-sized printing by substantially increasing the resolution from approx.8-megapixel (4K PHOTO) to approx.18-megapixel (6K PHOTO*2). Furthermore, approx.8-megapixel 4K Photo images can be captured at a super-fast 60 fps.
*1 For a Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera, as of 19 September, 2016 (Panasonic survey).
*2 “6K PHOTO” is a high speed burst shooting function that cuts a still image out of a 4:3 or 3:2 video footage with approx.18-megapixel (Approx.6000 x 3000 effective pixel count) that 6K image manages. The name ‘6K PHOTO’ is tentative.
*3 In 4K/30p, 25p, 24p, 23.98p video recording.
*4 For a Digital Interchangeable Lens System Camera, as of 12 September, 2008 (Panasonic survey).
*5 For a Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera, as of 3 March, 2009 (Panasonic survey).
*6 For a Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera, as of 7 February, 2014 (Panasonic survey).
Video hanya 4K 60fps. 6K photo itu cuma pinter2nya panasonic buat jualan 18MP photo sensor hehe. Tapi tetep tertarik buat ambil kamera ini tahun depan
katanya 4K 60p baru pertama kali di kamera consumer. 6K nya video tapi masih 30p. batu loncatan utk target Panasonic memassalkan 8K di tahun 2020.
main video beneran ya gan sampai berani ambil GH ?
Hehe CMIIW gak ada keterangan 6K video om bhakti utama. Kebetulan saya kerja aja masih pake G7 dan masih bisa menghasilkan. Dan yap kebutuhan saya lebih banyak untuk video
@Anggika : OK bro, akan dikoreksi, salah tangkap saya sepertinya.