Leica diam-diam mengumumkan kamera rangefinder terbaru mereka yaitu Leica M-P 240. Kamera ini adalah iterasi kedua setelah seri pertama Leica MP yang dirilis tahun 2003. Apa saja keunggulan kamera yang harganya hanya dapat dijangkau sedikit orang ?
Leica M-P 240 memiliki buffer memori 2 GB (dua gigabyte). Hal ini membuat dua kali lebih cepat dalam menangkap gambar secara berurutan. Selain itu juga menggunakan material kaca crystal sapphiresapphire yang kuat dan tahan gores sebagai pelindung LCD. Sapphire merupakan salah satu bahan yang paling sulit dipecahkan. LCD juga memiliki lapisan anti-reflektif di kedua sisi.
Ukurannya yang kompak, desain minimalis dan shutter hampir tanpa suara membuatnya menjadi pendamping ideal untuk fotografi tanpa mengganggu. Demi ini, bahkan logo Leica dihilangkan. Kamera ini diklaim dapat bertahan hidup sangat lama, berkat komponen body dari kuningan padat, penuh logam, paduan magnesium chassis dan pelindung layar kristal safir. Leica M-P didesain khusus memiliki seal karet yang melindungi bodi kamera terhadap cipratan, kelembaban, debu dan kondisi cuaca buruk.’
Harga USD $1000 lebih mahal dari standard yaitu menjadi sekitar $7950. Apakah anda berniat membelinya ? :D
Spesifikasi Leica M-P 240
- Sensor LEICA MAX CMOS 24MP Full Frame
- Model Rangefinder
- Live View dan EVF
- LCD 3 inches 920,000 dot dari kaca kristal shappire tahan goresan
- Simple AF dengan presisi tinggi dengan focus peaking saat Live View
- ISOI : 100 extended – 200-6400
- Built-in 2GB memory
- Video : ‘Leica Look’ Full HD 1980×1080 25fps stereo
- Dimensi : 139mm x 80mm x 42mm size
- Berat : 680 g
- Baterai tahan sangat lama
- Body : weather sealed
Gambar Leica M-P 240

Press Release Leica M-P 240
Leica Camera AG, Wetzlar, presents a further model in the Leica rangefinder camera segment. Based on the otherwise identical Leica M, the Leica M-P offers all the technical advantages of the Leica M-System and several additional features, for example an enlarged buffer memory. The ‘P’ in the name of this camera indicates the particularly discreet and enduring design concept with which the Leica M-P joins the line of Leica M-Cameras conceived especially to fulfil the needs of professional photographers.
The buffer memory capacity of the Leica M-P has been increased to 2 GB – twice the size of that of the Leica M. This guarantees that the Leica M-P is immediately ready to shoot in almost all situations. This is a particular advantage when shooting pictures in rapid succession, as the image data needs to be buffered directly after the shutter is released, before writing to the SD memory card. This means that users can now react to events with even greater spontaneity to capture the decisive moment in almost every photographic situation.
In terms of design, the Leica M-P is based on the typical characteristics of the Leica rangefinder system and focuses in particular on robustness and a long product lifespan. The use of an extremely scratch-resistant sapphire crystal cover for its LCD monitor is one example of this. This material is so hard that it can only be worked with special diamond cutting tools and is one of the world’s hardest materials. In practical terms, the sapphire glass LCD cover is almost unbreakable and offers resistance to many kinds of wear and stresses, meaning that the camera is ideally equipped for many years of use. Thanks to an anti-reflective coating on both sides of the cover glass, image reviewing is now even better, even in difficult lighting conditions, and allows photographers to assess and check every subject with optimum precision both before and after exposure.
The unobtrusive and minimalistic look of the Leica M-P provides even greater discretion in decisive shooting situations. Many photographers who already use Leica M-Cameras actually tape over the red Leica logo to make their work as unobtrusive as possible. For precisely this reason, this identifying feature has been omitted from the new rangefinder camera. Instead, the top plate of the camera is engraved with a subtle Leica script.
Other new details of the camera include a frame selection lever with which bright-line frames for six different focal lengths can be projected into the viewfinder to simulate subject framing. The corresponding frames are shown in pairs for the focal lengths 28 and 90 mm, 35 and 135 mm or 50 and 75 mm. This avoids the need to change lenses to assess suitable subject framing, offers greater creative freedom and allows photographers to concentrate fully on composing their pictures.
The Leica M-P is available now from authorised Leica dealers in two different versions: a black-paint version and a traditional silver chrome version. The Leica M-P complements the Leica M. Both cameras will be marketed together.