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HomeBerita Kamera Kamera Sony Alpha A7 Dan A7R, Mirrorless Full Frame Terkecil

[Press Release] Kamera Sony Alpha A7 Dan A7R, Mirrorless Full Frame Terkecil

Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7 Tampak Mungil, Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7 Tampak Mungil, Image Credit Sony

Sony mungkin sedang membuat sejarah. Diluncurkannya kamera yang sudah lama dirumorkan ini menunjukkan keseriusan Sony yang tidak main-main dipasar kamera profesional. Dengan merilis kamera Sony Alpha A7, kamera mirrorless Full Frame pertama (red: Leica tidak dihitung sebagai mirrorless), dengan ukuran body yang sangat kompak dan teknologi NEX yang sudah teruji, Sony sepertinya mengarahkan targetnya ke Nikon dan Canon yang merajai pasar kamera DSLR Full Frame. Sony ingin menarik hati para profesional dan mengatakan “ini loh, kamera full frame gak harus besar dan berat”. Kualitas, handling dan speed memang belum teruji, jadi kita masih harus menunggu apakah langkah Sony ini tepat atau tidak.

Desain A7 dan A7R juga berbeda dari yang pernah Sony buat, mengusung kombinasi tonjolan EVF retro (berbentuk prisma) seperti  Olympus OMD dan bentuk body RX1 yang modern. Yang pasti kelemahan pertama kamera ini adalah dukungan lensa Full Frame pada saat peluncuran yang belum sebanyak kompetitor, meski bisa menggunakan lensa E-mount tetapi tidak maksimal. Tetapi Sony sudah menyiapkan roadmap lima buah lensa khusus untuk sistem ini yaitu : Lensa kit FE 28-70mm F3.5-5.6 OSS image-stabilised zoom, lensa FE 55mm F1.8 ZA Carl Zeiss Sonnar T*, lensa FE 35mm F2.8 ZA Carl Zeiss Sonnar T*, lens FE 24-70mm F4 Carl Zeiss Vario Tessar T*. lensa ‘G’ class telezoom FE 70-200mm F4 G OSS.

Selengkapnya bisa disimak spesifikasi, preview, gambar dan press release-nya berikut ini.

Spesifikasi Kamera Sony Alpha A7 Dan A7R

Sony Alpha A7R

  • Kamera FF teringan dengan interchangeable lens
  • Sensor 36.4 Megapixel
  • Gapless lens design on sensor (tanpa AA filter, gambar lebih tajam)
  • New BIONZ X image processing engine
  • 14-bit RAW image
  • Fixed OLED EVF 2,4 million dot resolution (sama dengan Olympus E-M1)
  • AF speed lebih cepat dair seri RX
  • Takes SD cards dan bisa menggunakan battery NEX
  • Body weather sealed
  • Shuuter Speed 1/8000 – 30 sec
  • ISO 100-25600 (dengan 50 ISO extension)
  • Advanced 1200-zone evaluative metering
  • Tiltable LCD screen 3.0” (1,229k dots) Xtra Fine™
  • Fitur Focus peaking
  • Built-inWi-Fi®/NFC control
  • Play memories Camera Apps
  • Menu interface sama dengan the RX series
  • Optional vertical grip
  • New LAEA Full Frame A to E-mount adapter
  • NEX APS-C lenses bisa digunakan dengan mode crop atau mode Full Frame
  • 4fps
  • TRILUMINOS™ Color technology (color space)
  • Video 1080 Full HD uncompressed, 60p/24p dan 60i frame-rates. AVCHD and MP4 codec.
  • 25 points contrast AF (tanpa PDAF)
  • +/- 5EV compensation
  • Multi-interface Shoe for flash
  • PC control dengan remote video capture
  • Playmemories App
  • Berat 465g (dengan battery dan card)
  • Battery 1080 mAh untuk 340 shots (dan LCD monitor always on!)
  • Harga Body Only $2198

Sony A7

  • Spesifikasi sama kecuali untuk fitur- berikut
  • Sensor 24 Megapixel sensor dengan Phase Detection AF (PDAF)
  • AF 117 points (phase-detection AF) dan 25 points (contrast-detection AF)
  • 5fps
  • Harga Body Only A7 $1698 dan dengan lensa kit 28-70mm f/3.5-5.6 OSS $1998

Preview, Hands On Da n First Impression Kamera Sony Alpha A7 Dan A7R

  • First Impression oleh DPReview. “Untungnya, Sony tidak mengkompromikan ergonomi, membuat kamera mudah untuk disimpan dan beroperasi. Fitur sangat lengkap, baik untuk fotografer masih dan penggemar video. Kamera sangat responsif dan menyenangkan untuk digunakan, tetapi tidak dibuat untuk mode silent, keduanya memiliki rana (shutter) agak bising.”
  • Hands on oleh Engadget. “Kualitas Body sangat tinggi, dengan konstruksi magnesium alloy yang memungkinkan tahan debu dan air. Built-in hand-grip membuat kamera nyaman untuk dipegang bahkan dengan ukuran penuh lensa A-mount terpasang. XGA OLED viewfinder elektronik super tajam, akurat mereproduksi depth-of-field dan fungsi zoom manual-fokus”
  • First Impression oleh Stevehuffphoto. “Hanya diuji di rumah pada siang hari dengan 35 f/2,8 dan 55 f/1.8. AF sangat cepat. Tidak ada keluhan. Lebih cepat dari NEX-7 dan RX1. EVF adalah hampir sama dengan EVF RX1 tersebut. EVF dari Olympus lebih baik tetapi yang satu ini masih fantastis. EVF terbaik kedua yang dibuat hari ini.”
  • Hands on di thecamerastore. “Gambar dari A7R, menakjubkan. Tidak sabar untuk memproses beberapa file RAW, tapi banhak hanya dengan melihat file JPEG, foto-foto tersebut sangat baik sebanding Nikon D800E. “
  • Preview oleh Imaging Resource. “Sangat kompak untuk kamera full-frame dengan lensa dapat dipertukarkan. Terasa solid, dan gambar setidaknya sebagus yang dari RX1”
  • Hands on oleh The Verge. “Dibandingkan dengan NEX-5N, kamera A7 baru terasa lebih berat, tapi tidak lebih canggung untuk mengoperasikan dengan satu tangan. Sebelumnya saya menggunakan Nikon D4, dan seperti latihan untuk kedua lengan”
  • Hands on oleh Luminous-landscape. “Perlu dicatat bahwa lensa FE adalah full frame, dan untuk alasan ini tidak dapat mengalahkan hukum optik. Ini berarti bahwa mereka tidak dapat sekecil lensa APS-C atau MFT, yang akan selalu memiliki kelebihan dalam hal ukuran lensa, berat badan dan produksi massal”
  • First look oleh Amateur Photographer. “Kamera yang lebih ringan dan kecil akan mengurangi beban ketika bepergian jarak jauh, untuk film dokumenter dan street fotografi, dengan tetap menghasilkan kualitas gambar premium tetapi dalam body kamera tidak mencolok.”
  • Hands on review oleh Pocket Lint. “Gambar terlihat sangat baik karena 24-megapixel. DOF yang tipis khas sensor full-frame, sementara detil terlihat berkualitas terbaik.”
  • Full Review di Photoreview. “Kamera Sony ini menghadirkan tantangan untuk produsen kamera lain untuk mengambil pendekatan yang berbeda dan membawa hal yang menarik (dan persaingan) ke midle-high end dari kamera interchangeable-lens”

Gambar Kamera Sony Alpha A7 Dan A7R

Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7 Sensor Full Frame, Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7 Sensor Full Frame, Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7R (Depan), Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7R (Depan), Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7/A7R (Belakang), Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7/A7R (Belakang), Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7/A7R (LCD), Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7/A7R (LCD), Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7/A7R (Atas), Image Credit Sony
Kamera Mirrorless Sony Alpha A7/A7R (Atas), Image Credit Sony

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Press Release Kamera Sony Alpha A7 Dan A7R

Sony Unveils World’s First Full-Frame Mirrorless Cameras 1

SAN DIEGO, Oct. 15, 2013 – Sony’s new A7 and A7R digital cameras are the world’s smallest full-frame interchangeable lens models 2. Highly anticipated by professional photographers and imaging enthusiasts alike, the two new cameras offer an unmatched combination of creativity, customizability and portability.

The A7R model features a 36.4 effective megapixel 35mm Exmor® CMOS sensor – the highest resolution sensor in the history of Sony’s A line – with no optical low pass filter for added resolving power and increased image detail. The A7 model boasts an impressive 24.3 effective megapixel 35mm Exmor® CMOS sensor and an innovative fast Hybrid AF system.

Each camera is equipped with advanced imaging features including a powerful new BIONZ® X processor; fast AF capabilities; a clear, bright XGA OLED Tru-finder, full HD 60p video recording, Wi-Fi® and NFC connection, dust-and moisture- resistance and more.

“With these new A7 camera systems, Sony has completely redefined the look and feel of a professional-grade digital camera,” said Mike Kahn, director of the interchangeable lens camera business at Sony Electronics. “The A7 and A7R cameras are significantly smaller, lighter and more portable than any other full-frame interchange lens camera yet deliver image quality, power and performance that professionals and enthusiasts crave.”

Both cameras feature full customization and control to meet the needs of the most demanding photographers. There are 9 different customizable buttons and 46 assignable functions that can be adjusted based on shooting preferences, including fully customizable front and back dials, a rear control wheel and an exposure compensation dial 3. Users can preview all changes to photographic settings in real-time on the high-contrast, 2.4 million dot XGA OLED Tru-Finder or the high-resolution tiltable 3” LCD screen.

The new cameras share a powerful new BIONZ X processor that accurately reproduces details in textures in real-time via extra high-speed processing capabilities, and allows for exceptional low noise performance in all types of lighting conditions. Additionally, the powerful processor combined with the advanced, high resolution sensors allow both cameras to shoot pro-quality Full HD video (AVCHD progressive, 1920x1080p @ 60p) with richly detailed colors and ultra-low noise.

Clear Image Zoom has been enhanced for video recording as well, allowing for powerful close-up shots without sacrificing pixel count. Other pro-style movie features include an audio recording level control and display plus a “live” HDMI® output for passing through video to an external monitor or recording device.

The new cameras both have on-board Wi-Fi and NFC capabilities for instant image sharing and transfer to compatible smartphones and tablets. The A7R and A7 models can access Sony’s platform of PlayMemories™ Camera Apps, allowing users to add new effects, filters, utilities and more. This platform includes new ‘Multiple Exposure’ app, which automatically combines sequential exposures into one creative shot, and ‘Smart Remote Control’ 4, which allows for direct control of exposure and shutter speed from a connected smartphone and is particularly useful for self-portraits or group shots 5. Find out more at www.playmemoriescameraapps.com .

The new A7 and A7R cameras each have a tough, magnesium alloy build and are dust and moisture resistant for standing up to some of the toughest weather conditions.

A7R Camera

Designed for professional photographers and highly advanced enthusiasts, the new A7R model is the world’s smallest and lightest full-frame interchangeable lens camera2.

It has an impressive 36.4 effective megapixel full frame sensor and no optical low pass filter, ensuring that the extraordinary resolving power is fully realized and resulting in an unprecedented level of detail and clarity in images.

The camera features a new Fast Intelligent AF technology that delivers blazingly quick, accurate autofocus. Additionally, there are a total of three selectable sizes for the Flexible Spot AF frame, minimizing the risk of accidentally focusing on the wrong target.

A7 Camera

Offering an exciting entry into the world of full-frame photography, the A7 camera features an advanced 24.3 effective megapixel full-frame Exmor CMOS sensor paired with the powerful new BIONZ X processor.

The exciting new camera has an innovative Fast Hybrid AF system that combines phase- and contrast-detect AF methods to ensure speedy, accurate autofocus. It can also shoot at up to 5 fps continuously with non-stop AF tracking, allowing it to keep pace with fast-moving athletes, wildlife or energetic children.

New Sony A Lenses and Accessories

There are a total of 5 new full-frame E-mount lenses designed to take full advantage of the powerful imaging capabilities of the A7R and A7 cameras, including mid-range zoom lenses from Sony and Carl Zeiss, two bright Zeiss Sonnar T*™ prime lenses and a premium-quality G Lens™ telephoto zoom. Sony’s growing E-mount interchangeable lens lineup now consists of 21 different lenses including the new full-frame models.

In addition to the new lenses, there are also two new-generation mount adaptors that give photographers the ability to utilize full-frame Sony A-mount optics on the A7 and A7R cameras. The LA-EA3 adapter simply adds compatibility for existing A-mount lenses the new cameras, while the LA-EA4 model adds the ultra-fast focusing and shooting capabilities of Sony’s innovative Translucent Mirror Technology.

There is also a new vertical grip (VG-C1EM) that offers greater comfort during vertical shooting and can accommodate two separate NP-FW50 batteries for extended battery life and shooting time. A new BC-TRW compact external battery charger that quickly charges batteries and is great for travel, and FA-CS1M off camera shoe allows the use of external flashes (HVL-43M, 20M) in off-camera wired applications. Additionally, the new LCS-ELCA premium soft leather carry case protects the A7 and A7R cameras from scuffs and marks while being carried.

Pricing and Availability

The Sony A7R and A7 full-frame interchangeable lens cameras will be available for purchase this December.

The A7R camera will be offered as a body-only for about $2300.

The Sony A7 compact system camera will be offered with a 28-70mm F3.5 – F5.6 full-frame lens (model SEL2870) for about $2000. It will also be offered as a body-only for about $1700.

The versatile new LA-EA3 and LA-EA4 mount adapters will be available in December for about $200 and $350, respectively.

The new VG-C1EM vertical grip and LCS-ELCA premium case will also be available in December for about $300 and $ 140, respectively.

The new camera and all compatible accessories will be available at Sony retail stores (www.store.sony.com) and other authorized dealers nationwide.

Please visit www.blog.sony.com for a full video preview of the new Sony A7R and A7 full-frame cameras and follow #SonyAlpha on twitter for the latest A camera news.


Bhakti Utamahttp://blog.bhaktiutama.com
A writer and photographer with a passion for technology, astronomy, and virtual reality. Skilled in multiple programming languages, specializing in software architecture.



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