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[Press Release] Nikon Luncurkan Kamera Kompak Premium Seri DL Terdiri Nikon DL18-50, Nikon DL24-85 dan Nikon DL24-500

Kamera Nikon DL, Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL, Image Credit : Nikon

Nikon memasuki kamera kompak premium dengan tiga model kamera kompak baru bersensor 1″. Tiga kamera tersebut adalah Nikon DL18-50, DL24-85 dan DL-24-500, yang mampu meng-cover hampir semua rentang panjang fokus dari wide hingga tele. Nikon DL saling berbagi sensor, prosesor gambar, sistem autofocus dan dukungan untuk video 4K (dengan output clean HDMI). Bagian dari desain, terutama tata letak kontrol, sangat menyerupai seri kamera mirrorless Nikon 1.

Sensor yang digunakan adalah 20.8MP berukuran 1 ” sejenis sensor BSI CMOS seperti yang digunakan pada kamera mirrorless Nikon 1 J5. Prosesor image-nya adalah EXPEED 6A yang baru, memungkinkan pengambilan foto hingga ISO 12800 dan merekam video 4K pada 30p. Ketiga menggunakan teknologi ‘Dual Detect VR’, yang digabungkan dengan data dari sensor kecepatan sudut dan adegan obyek itu sendiri untuk mengurangi efek goyangan.

Pada lensa terdapat lapisan fluor untuk menjaga kelembaban dan agar anti minyak. Masing-masing memiliki fokus cincin panduan mengeliling lensa.

Untuk layar masing-masing memiliki LCD OLED 3″ dapat dioperasikan dengan sentuhan (touchscreen), dapat dimiringkan pada DL18-50 dan DL24-85 dan sepenuhnya dapat diputar pada DL24-500. Kesemuanya sudah memiliki Wi-Fi dengan NFC, ditambah ‘SnapBridge’ teknologi Nikon, yang menggunakan bluetooth untuk menjaga koneksi antara kamera dan ponsel, sehingga tidak perlu sering re-pair. Baterai pada ketiga model DL mampu hingga 290 tembakan / charge (standar CIPA).

Salah satu fitur yang dapat membuat seri Nikon DL berbeda dari kamera sensor 1″ jenis lain adalah sistem AF Hybrid, yang menggabungkan 105 titik phase detect dengan 171 titik contrast detect. Hal ini memungkinkan kamera untuk menembak pada 20 fps dengan AF tracking secara terus menerus, jika dengan single AF, makabisa lebih cepat hingga 60 fps.

Ketiga kamera akan tersedia pertengahan tahun ini dengan harga untuk DL 24-85 adalah USD $649, untuk DL18-50 adalah USD $849 dan untuk DL24-500 adalah USD $999.

Nikon DL18-50

Kamera pertama DL18-50 memiliki lensa paling wide yang biasanya cocok bagi antusias atau fotografer street. Lensanya memiliki focal length setara dengan 18-50mm dan rentang aperture maksimum yang cepat F1.8-2.8. Lensa memiliki 3-stop ND filter dan kamera kompak pertama Nikon yang memiliki Nano Cyrstal Coating untuk mengurangi flare dan ghosting.

Lensa memiliki tujuh blade aperture dan memiliki kecepatan shutter tertinggi 1/1600 detik. Selain itu juga built-in koreksi perspektif, yang terutama berguna saat pengambilan gambar arsitektur.

Kamera memiliki kontrol penuh bagi pengguna, dukungan RAW, layar LCD dapat dimiringkan dan dukungan video 4K 30p. Untuk aksesoris DL18-50 mendukung EVF OLED eksternal dengan 2.36M titik. Tanpa built-in flash tetapi sudah memiliki hot-shoe.

Nikon DL24-85

Nikon DL24-85 sangat mirip dengan saudaranya DL18-50 yang wide, baik di dalam maupun tampilan luar. Perbedaan utama adalah lensa kamera ini jangkauannya lebih jauh/tele yaitu 24-85mm F1.8-2.8, tetapi tanpa filter ND dan Nano Crystal Coating. Fitur menonjol adalah kemampuan untuk mengambil ukuran sebenarnya, foto makro 1:1, dengan jarak fokus minimum 3cm. Fotografer makro juga dapat memanfaatkan fokus peaking dan bracketing serta petunjuk prioritas AF.

Nikon DL24-500

Kamera DL24-500 ini merupakan model zoom tele. Seperti namanya, ia memiliki lensa equivalen dengan 24-500mm, dengan rentang aperture maksimal F2.8-5.6. Berbeda dengan dua model sebelunya, DL24-500 memiliki layar yang sepenuhnya dapat diputar dan juga built-in viewfinder OLED. Ini juga satu-satunya model DL dengan input jack mic, dengan dukungan aksesoris senapan mic Nikon ME-1.

Spesifikasi Kamera

Spec Nikon DL18-50

  • Sensor 1 inch BSI CMOS 21 Megapixel
  • Lensa 6.7-18.5mm f/1.8-2.8 (equivalent to 18-50mm f/1.8-2.8)
  • ISO 100-12800
  • Built-in vibration reduction
  • EVF eksternal DF-E1
  • LCD 3″ 1 juta dots
  • Ukuran 106 x 63 x 58 mm mm
  • Berat 365g
  • Warna hitam saja

Spec Nikon DL24-85

  • Sensor 1 inch BSI CMOS 21 Megapixel
  • Lensa 6.7-18.5mm f/1.8-2.8 (equivalent to 18-50mm f/1.8-2.8)
  • ISO 100-12800
  • Built-in vibration reduction
  • EVF eksternal DF-E1
  • LCD 3″ 1 juta dots
  • Ukuran 105 x 61 x 50 mm
  • Berat 350g
  • Warna hitam saja

Spec Nikon DL24-500

  • Sensor 1 inch BSI CMOS 21 Megapixel
  • Lensa 6.7-18.5mm f/1.8-2.8 (equivalent to 18-50mm f/1.8-2.8)
  • ISO 100-12800
  • Built-in vibration reduction
  • Built in EVF
  • LCD 3″ 1 juta dots
  • Ukuran 123 x 90 x 139 mm
  • Berat 780g
  • Warna hitam saja

Gambar Kamera Nikon DL

Nikon DL18-50

Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Depan), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Depan), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (LCD diputar), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (LCD diputar), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Atas), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Atas), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Eksternal EVF), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Eksternal EVF), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Belakang), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL18-50 (Belakang), Image Credit : Nikon

Nikon DL24-85

Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Depan), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Built-in Flash), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Depan), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Depan), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Atas), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Atas), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (LCD tilted), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (LCD tilted), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Belakang), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-85 (Belakang), Image Credit : Nikon

Nikon DL24-500

Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Built-in Flash), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Built-in Flash), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Lens hood), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Lens hood), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Atas), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Atas), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (LCD full artikulasi), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (LCD full artikulasi), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Belakang), Image Credit : Nikon
Kamera Nikon DL24-500 (Belakang), Image Credit : Nikon

Press Release


Pairing a Large 1-Inch Sensor with Superior NIKKOR Lens Technology, Nikon’s New Compact DL24-85, DL18-50 and DL24-500 Will Help Capture Stunning Images and 4K UHD Video

MELVILLE, NY (Monday, February 22, 2016 at 11:01 P.M. EST) – Today, Nikon Inc. announced the new DL Series of premium compact cameras. These pocketable yet powerful imaging tools offer an elite level of imaging prowess that fits easily in one’s palm. Equipped with a variety of focal lengths optimized for different types of shooters, the DL24-85, DL18-50 and DL24-500 combine powerful NIKKOR optics with a large 20.8-megapixel (CX-format) 1-inch BSI CMOS sensor to produce stunning image quality and amazingly detailed images, even when shooting in low-light. Cameras in the new DL line will also feature powerful performance, with high-speed Autofocus (AF) and 20 frames-per-second (60 fps with fixed AF) continuous shooting capability for fast action moments, as well as 4K UHD video recording for users to tell their stories in new ways. Ergonomically designed and familiar for advanced users, all three cameras will utilize the new Nikon SnapBridge connectivity to make it easier than ever to shoot and share with ease.

“We recognize consumers’ desire for smaller cameras capable of outstanding image quality,” said Masahiro Horie, Director of Marketing and Planning, Nikon Inc. “With the new DL line, Nikon is proud to fuse legendary NIKKOR optics with the latest innovations in imaging to provide advanced photographers amazingly compact tools capable of capturing photos and video that even the most discerned professional would be proud of.”

The Nikon DL Series: Powerful Performance, Superior Optics

The new DL line of premium compact cameras packs innovative and powerful imaging technology into elegantly designed yet remarkably compact camera bodies, making it easier than ever to carry pure imaging prowess in the palm of one’s hand. All of these new cameras are designed with a 20.8-megapixel CX-format (1-inch) BSI CMOS sensor, which when combined with fast, high quality NIKKOR glass, help to create stunning image quality for stills or 4K UHD video. Working alongside the new sensor is the new EXPEED 6A image processor that allows for impressive noise reduction and powerful, fast performance, making it possible to capture stunning low-light street photography, beautiful portraits or spectacular landscapes with ease.

For fleeting moments and fast-action, the DL line incorporates a high-speed hybrid autofocus (AF) system featuring 105 phase detect focus areas (with 171 focus points in contrast detect AF mode), as well as continuous shooting up to an incredible 20 fps, with capability to capture up to a blazing fast 60 fps with focus locked on the first frame. The DL series also features Dual Detect Optical VR technology to compensate for camera shake while handheld or at slower shutter speeds.

Continuing the impressive legacy of NIKKOR glass, each new DL camera features a unique lens design capable of amazing resolution and beautiful background blur (bokeh), with impressively fast apertures. The lens barrel also includes a manual focus ring, giving users enhanced control over focus on any subject.

Each NIKKOR lens is also equipped with a fluorine coating that helps repel dirt, water and oil, and also facilitates easy cleaning. For the first time in a Nikon compact camera, the DL18-50’s NIKKOR lens will utilize Nano Crystal Coat to help reduce ghost and flare, particularly useful when shooting at a wide-angle. With the best NIKKOR technologies now integrated into compact camera models, users will be able to capture phenomenal images with amazing detail time and time again.

Control and Versatility

The DL24-85, DL18-50 and DL24-500 put creative control in the hands of each photographer and are all operated using the familiar Nikon DSLR menu design and an assortment of physical controls. The series also supports RAW (NEF) image capture, full PSAM manual controls and over 20 preset creative options, for use in both still and video shooting (including Picture Control, Creative mode, Multiple Exposure Lighten) to help challenge each user to expand their photographic horizons.

The DL line provides the tools to frame nearly every shot, with all three cameras sporting high-resolution 1,037k-dot OLED Touch displays. While the DL24-85 and DL18-50 allow for tilting, the DL24-500’s display provides full Vari-angle capability, vitally important when shooting from unique perspectives. Even further customization and control is possible utilizing the hot shoe/accessory shoe available on DL24-85 and DL18-50 models that allows for complete system expandability with the DF-E1 optional electronic viewfinder. The DL24-500 also sports a hot shoe and a stereo microphone input jack, while all three models are compatible with Nikon i-TTL Speedlights.

Seamlessly Shoot and Share

Nikon SnapBridge makes it easier than ever to shoot and share amazing images with friends and family. Available throughout Nikon’s newest line of premium compacts, SnapBridge utilizes Bluetooth®1 low energy technology (BLE) to provide an “always on” connection to a compatible2smart device. Users can now seamlessly send images from their camera to a smart device (utilizing the new SnapBridge app) for easy sharing via social networks or to the cloud for instant storage. An unlimited number of thumbnails and 20 GB of storage will also be available for registered Nikon owners and SnapBridge users on Nikon Image Space, Nikon’s free image storing service. Additionally, built-in Wi-Fi3 and NFC remain available to help facilitate easy connection and sharing.

Through Nikon SnapBridge, users can also operate their cameras remotely using the app, automatically synchronize time and location information to any image utilizing the camera’s constant connection to a compatible smart device, as well as embed information on any image, including copyright or photographers’ names. Lastly, firmware updates have never been easier, as Nikon will send registered users firmware information via the new SnapBridge application, directly to their smart device.

4K Video Capability

The DL series will be among Nikon’s first compact offerings to support 4K UHD video capability [3840×2160] at 30p, affording users the ability to capture incredibly beautiful video with remarkable detail, all with a compact camera. Multimedia photographers will have free reign over their creative vision with the ability to utilize PSAM selectable exposure modes while recording, alongside popular movie features like HDMI output to an external recorder, slow motion to 1200 fps and the ability to grab stills from video. Other creative video functions available include: Full HD movie, HD movie, Motion Snapshot, Slow motion, 4-second movie, Time-lapse movie, Superlapse movie and Jump cut.

DL24-85: The Premium Compact Camera Ready for Anything

Great for travel, portraits and general photography, the DL24-85 offers pocket-sized imaging power with a fast and versatile 24-85mm focal range. Compatible with 40.5mm threaded filters, the newly designed NIKKOR lens (11 elements in 9 groups) features a 3.6x zoom range (7x with Dynamic Fine Zoom4) and a wide f/1.8-2.8 aperture, empowering users to capture a wide variety of subjects with incredible detail and natural bokeh, even in low-light. The 24-85mm offering also features Dual Detect Optical VR, AF bracketing and a tilting Touch OLED display to make composing from creative angles easier than ever.

Exclusive to this DL model is a new Super Macro Mode (1:1) that helps capture even small subjects in life-size detail. Setting manual zoom on the camera to super macro position allows the user close-up shooting at a 35mm equivalent magnification, providing amazing detail whether shooting flowers in bloom or a wandering ladybug. Macro photographers can utilize a variety of camera functions within the mode, including focus bracketing, manual priority AF (M/A) mode and peaking indication, to truly customize the look and feel of every image.

DL18-50: A Premium Pocket Camera That Can Capture It All

For landscape and architecture shooters looking for compact, ultra-wide angle DL option, the DL18-50 provides a solution that fits easily into any photographer’s pocket. Starting at a wide 18mm and expanding to 50mm (2.8x zoom, 5.5x with Dynamic Fine Zoom) the camera sports a powerful NIKKOR lens with a wide f/1.8-2.8 aperture that makes it easier than ever to produce natural bokeh in any image, while capturing tack-sharp stills and video. This lens is compatible with 46mm filters and features Nikon’s Nano Crystal Coat to help reduce ghosting and flare.

Those who choose the wide-angle DL premium compact can also take advantage of perspective controls to help compensate for image distortion, particularly for shooting tall objects from the ground like landmarks and skyscrapers. Tailored for architecture shooters, this feature helps to capture the correct perspective with ease.

For use with the DL24-85 and DL18-50, a newly designed optional DF-E1 electronic viewfinder (EVF) will be available for discerning photographers who desire for a traditional eye-level viewfinder to frame their photos. The compact DF-E1 features a 2,359k-dot resolution with eye sensor, alongside a tilting mechanism, diopter adjustment and anti-reflection coating, helping provide further clarity and versatility for DL shooters.

DL24-500: Get Close and Connect

The DL24-500 offers the longest zoom capability of any DL premium compact, reaching an incredible 500mm focal length and 21x optical zoom (42x with Dynamic Fine Zoom). Combining Nikon’s new 1-inch sensor with this impressive super-zoom NIKKOR lens, the DL24-500 is an ideal choice for users eager to photograph and share anything from concerts to wildlife. Featuring an f/2.8-5.6 aperture, this lens (compatible with 55mm filters) integrates the newest NIKKOR technologies to help render amazing images and background blur, even from afar.

The DL24-500 also features Dual Detect Optical VR, particularly useful when shooting at extremely long focal lengths or without a tripod, a built-in electronic viewfinder (EVF) with 2,359k-dot OLED display and an eye-sensor and a Vari-angle 1,037k-dot OLED screen.

Price and Availability

The new DL24-85, DL18-50 and DL24-500 will be available in early summer 2016 for suggested retail prices (SRP) of $649.95*, $849.95*, and $999.95*, respectively. Pricing and availability for the optional DF-E1 electronic viewfinder, compatible with both the DL24-85 and DL18-50, is TBD. For more information on these new Nikon products, please visit

1 The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Nikon Corporation and its affiliates is under license. 

2. WI-FI COMPATIBILITY This camera’s built-in Wi-Fi® capability can only be used with a compatible iPhone®, iPad®, and/or iPod touch® or smart devices running on the Android™ operating system. The Nikon SnapBridge application must be installed on the device before it can be used with this camera. The SnapBridge app is not yet available (coming soon in spring 2016) Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

3. Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. N-Mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFC Forum, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.

4. Dynamic Fine Zoom magnification is calculated from the full-wide end of optical zoom

* SRP (Suggested Retail Price) listed only as a suggestion. Actual prices are set by dealers and are subject to change at any time.

Bhakti Utama
A writer and photographer with a passion for technology, astronomy, and virtual reality. Skilled in multiple programming languages, specializing in software architecture.



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