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[Press Release] Kamera Mirrorless Terbaru Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III, Bawa Teknik Fotografi Anda Ke Level Berikutnya

Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Silver), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Silver), Image Credit : Olympus

Olympus telah mengumumkan kamera mirrorless terbaru mereka pada 31 Agustus 2017 yaitu Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III, sebuah update ke seri OM-D entry-level. Penambahan prosesor TruePic VIII membuat kamera tersebut mampu melakukan pengambilan video 4K pada 30/25/24p, dan sebuah perbaikan ergonomis yaitu pada tombol-tombol yang lebih besar dan grip melengkung.

Kamera E-M10 III tetap menggunakan sensor Micro Four Thirds seperti pendahulunya, yang berarti kualitas gambar sebagian besar tidak akan berubah, dengan fitur tambahan yaitu Filter Bypass Art Bleach yang baru ke hasil foto. Titik autofokus E-M10 II telah meningkat menjadi 121 poin, dan tembakan burst menjadi sedikit lebih cepat: hingga 8,6 fps dibandingkan sebelumnya dengan 8,5 fps.

Fitur E-M10 yang tetap dipertahankan dari model sebelumnya adalah stabilisasi bodi 5-axis, yang bisa digunakan bersamaan dengan stabilisasi digital untuk video – bahkan saat merekam dengan resolusi 4K. Selain itu juga jendela bidik EVF OLED 2.36M-dot dan layar sentuh LCD 3″ 1.04M-dotyang dapat dimiringkan.

Selebihnya update model ini berpusat pada kegunaan, khusus untuk pemula. Mode otomatis telah diperbarui dengan pemilihan scene dan pengenalan subjek yang lebih cerdas. Sedangkan mode untuk penggunaan kondisi yang lebih khusus (seperti fokus bracketing dan Live Time) sekarang diatur di bawah tombol mode Advance Photo. Tombol pintasan baru menawarkan akses ke pengaturan yang relevan berdasarkan mode kamera yang digunakan.

Olympus OM-D E-M10 III diperkirakan akan dikirimkan pada akhir September seharga USD $650 dan USD $800 dolar dibundel dengan lensa M.Zuiko EZ 14-42mm.

Secara umum Olympus E-M10 Mark III menawarkan rangkaian fitur yang kuat dalam bodi klasik/retro kompak dengan harga yang terjangkau. Ini akan menjadi pilihan tepat bagi penggemar fotografi smartphone yang ingin melakukan upgrade ke kamera.

Spesifikasi Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III

  • Sensor: Four Thirds (17,3 x 13mm)
  • Resolusi: 16,1 MP
  • Lens Mount: Micro Four Thirds
  • Prosesor: TruePic VIII
  • ISO: 200-25,600
  • Sistem AF: CDAF dengan 121 poin
  • Burst shoot: 8.6fps S-AF
  • Resolusi video: 4K pada 30,25 atau 24p dengan 102Mbps
  • Penyimpanan: SD/SDHC/SDXC
  • Viewfinder: EVF OLED 2.360.000 titik
  • Layar: touch screen OLED 3″ dengan 1.037.000 titik
  • Dimensi: 121,5 x 83,6 x 49,5 mm
  • Berat badan: 362g tubuh saja

Preview, Hands On dan First Impression

Gambar Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III

Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Belakang), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Belakang), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Kiri), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Kiri), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Atas), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Atas), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Kanan), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Kanan), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Depan), Image Credit : Olympus
Kamera Olympus E-M10 Mark III (Depan), Image Credit : Olympus

Press Release Olympus E-M10 Mark III


Compact Interchangeable Lens Camera with New Touch Screen Interface Effortlessly Captures and Shares Blur-Free, High-Quality Images in Any Scene

CENTER VALLEY, Pa., August 31, 2017 — Olympus’ new OM-D E-M10 Mark III is a compact, lightweight, easy-to-use interchangeable lens camera that offers the performance and image quality of the OM-D® lineup to the snapshooter looking to expand their photography. The OM-D E-M10 Mark III includes best-in-class image stabilization compensation performance and the same TruePic VIII Image Processor used in Olympus’ acclaimed flagship OM-D E-M1 Mark II camera. This combination delivers high-quality images even in situations when camera shake typically causes blur, such as night scenes or handheld telephoto shooting.

Consumers looking to step up from their smartphone camera to an interchangeable lens system will instantly benefit from the OM-D E-M10 Mark III’s 5-Axis Image Stabilization. With an image stabilization system built into the camera body, it can provide blur-free images no matter which lens is attached, and can also record crisp, shake-free handheld 4K videos in cinemalike quality.

The camera is compact and lightweight to easily be taken anywhere to capture and share standout, like-worthy images on social media. Designed for ease of use, both in form and functionality, the grip rests nicely in the hand, and buttons and dials are thoughtfully positioned for effortless operation. The body is equipped with a variety of features for different shooting styles and situations, including a high-resolution electronic viewfinder, a tilting rear LCD monitor with touch controls similar to a smartphone and a built-in flash.

First-time interchangeable lens camera users benefit from four shooting assist modes to capture brilliant images right out of the box. The intelligent AUTO Mode detects the shooting scene, subject, camera movement and light transmitted through the lens, then automatically chooses the optimal settings. The other assist modes include Scene Mode (SCN), Advanced Photo Mode (AP), and Art Filter Mode (ART), each of which appear on the mode dial alongside AUTO Mode for easy access.

The Touch AF shutter, which now takes advantage of 121 autofocus points, allows users to choose the precise area of focus and trip the shutter simply by touching the LCD screen. Continuous AF (C-AF) Mode maintains focus on moving subjects when the shutter is pressed halfway.

The OM-D E-M10 Mark III is equipped with built-in Wi-Fi®, which can be used in conjunction with the Olympus Image Share (OI.Share®) app to easily connect to a smart device and wirelessly transfer images for quick editing and uploading to social media.

Pricing and Availability
The Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III will be available in a black and silver body or black body beginning in late September with an estimated street price of $649.99 USD/$799.99 CAD (body only) and $799.99 USD/$999.99 CAD (M.Zuiko 14–42mm EZ Lens kit). For a complete list of specifications, visit the Olympus website: http://getolympus.com/digitalcameras/omd/e-m10-mark-iii.html.

Bhakti Utamahttp://blog.bhaktiutama.com
A writer and photographer with a passion for technology, astronomy, and virtual reality. Skilled in multiple programming languages, specializing in software architecture.



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