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[Press Release] Canon G1 X Mark III, Kamera Kompak Sensor APS-C dan Tahan Cuaca

Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Depan), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Depan), Image Credit: Canon

Canon telah memperkenalkan kamera terbaru mereka Canon G1 X Mark III – model ketiga dan terbaru dari seri G1 X premium. G1 X Mark III menggunakan sensor APS-C 24MP, sistem Dual Pixel AF dan prosesor DIGIC 7 dari Canon EOS 77D dan EOS M5, namun menambahkan lensa setara zoom 24-72mm F2.8-5.6. Semua itu ditanamkan dalam bodi yang relatif kompak dengan berat hanya 400g. Kamera ini bisa dikatakan sebagai versi fixed-lens dari EOS M5 yang lebih pas di telapak tangan.

Sistem AF Dual Pixel sudah sering kita dengar di kamera-kamera terbaru Canon sehingga terjamin mampu melakukan AF dengan cepat. Lensa memiliki sembilan elemen, tiga di antaranya memiliki dua sisi aspherical, filter ND terintegrasi dan juga stabilisasi gambar hingga empat stop untuk mengurangi blur dari efek goncangan.

G1 X Mark III dapat menembak secara terus menerus hingga 9 fps dengan AF/AE terkunci atau 7 fps dengan AF kontinyu. Buffer terisi penuh setelah sekitar 19 Raw atau 24 JPEG, tergantung pada mode yang digunakan. Daya tahan baterai agak kurang dengan rating CIPA hanya 200 tembakan per charge (dengan asumsi 50% menggunakan flash).

Canon G1 X Mark III agak berbeda secara  desain bodi yang sekarang tidak lagi kotak seperti pendahulunya, dan terlihat hampir identik dengan G5 X, yang menggunakan sensor tipe 1″. G1 X III memiliki desain bergaya SLR, yang memiliki tombol dial akses cepat di bagian depan dan belakang, lampu flash built-in, jendela bidik OLED dan LCD yang sepenuhnya dapat diputar. Canon mengatakan bahwa mekanisme shutter telah dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga membuatnya terasa mirip dengan DSLR. Bodinya tertutup rapat dengan segel agar tahan dari debu dan kelembaban.

Fitur lainnya termasuk capture video 1080/60p dan time-lapse, Wi-Fi dengan NFC dan Bluetooth serta terdapat mode Panoramic Shot.

PowerShot G1 X Mark III akan dikapalkan pada bulan November dengan harga USD $1299. Berikut spesifikasi, preview, gambar dan press release-nya.

Spesifikasi Kamera Canon G1 X Mark III

  • Sensor APS-C (22,3 x 14,9 mm) CMOS
  • Dual pixel CMOS AF
  • Lensa: equivalen 24-72mm f/2.8-5.6 (zoom 3x)
  • Prosesor DIGIC 7
  • Video Full HD 60p
  • Burst shot: sekitar 9 fps, servo AF sekitar 7 fps
  • ISO: 100-25600
  • Jarak pemotretan minimum (dari ujung lensa): 10 cm (W), 30 cm (T)
  • EVF: 0,39″ resolusi 2,36 juta titik
  • Layar: 3,0″ resolusi 1,04 juta titik, touch screen dan dapat diputar
  • Cincin kontrol lensa; front control dial; exp comp dial; kontrol manual penuh
  • Built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth dan NFC
  • Baterai: NB-13L
  • Jumlah gambar storable: 200 gambar, dalam mode eco 250 gambar
  • Media perekaman: kartu SD / SDHC / SDXC
  • Konstruksi bodi tahan debu dan air
  • Ukuran bodi: 115,0 x 77,9 x 51,4 mm
  • Berat: 375 g (bodi), 399 g (plus baterai dan kartu SD)

Preview, Hands On dan First Impression

Gambar Kamera Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III

Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Belakang), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Belakang), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Atas), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Atas), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (LCD Flip), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (LCD Flip), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Weather Sealed), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Weather Sealed), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Flash), Image Credit: Canon
Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III (Flash), Image Credit: Canon

Press Release Canon G1 X Mark III


The New Flagship G1 X Mark III PowerShot Camera Features the Largest Imaging Sensor Ever in a Canon Point-and-Shoot Camera

MELVILLE, N.Y., October 16, 2017 – Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, today announced a new flagship addition to its acclaimed G-series of premium compact cameras, the Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark III. Lightweight and portable without sacrificing the very best in Canon digital imaging technologies, the new G-series flagship features a 24.3- megapixel* APS-C CMOS sensor and Canon’s revolutionary Dual Pixel CMOS AF (Auto-Focus) technology, both firsts for a Canon point-and shoot compact camera offering.

“As we continue to evolve the popular Canon PowerShot G-series line, we remain committed to incorporating both our latest innovations and the features photographers are looking for in an advanced, compact camera,” said Yuichi Ishizuka, president and COO, Canon U.S.A. “With the new PowerShot G1 X Mark III, users will appreciate the quality and overall performance made possible using a APS-C sensor, alongside upgraded capabilities that can enable the capture of amazing photo and video, even in lowlight conditions.”

Ultimate in Compact Image Quality

The new Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark III offers dramatic improvements from the series’ previous flagship, the PowerShot G1X Mark II, headlined by a larger, 24.3-megapixel APS-C CMOS sensor, resulting in fantastic image quality in both stills and video. This dramatic sensor upgrade pairs with a wide-angle 24-72mm** (3x zoom) lens with Optical Image Stabilization featuring a wide f/2.8-5.6 aperture to allow for maximum brightness and increased sharpness in images and an ISO range of 100-25,600. This provides users with the versatility to shoot in low-light scenarios like a dimly lit restaurant which can frame subjects with beautiful background blur.

Technology commonly found in Canon DSLRs and advanced cameras has now arrived for the first time in the PowerShot G-series, as the G1X Mark III will feature Canon’s acclaimed Dual Pixel CMOS AF system. This feature, popular amongst enthusiast and professional users, provides extremely fast and smooth autofocus capabilities across nearly the entire focal plane, allowing for more creative compositions when framing a subject away from the center of a shot.

Versatile and Intuitive Operation

Dust and water resistant, the Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark III is a compact and powerful imaging companion ready for a variety of challenging shooting scenarios. Designed for enthusiast and professional users, it offers a host of useful features to help inspire creativity and improve operability. These include:

• 2.36 million dot Organic LED Electronic Viewfinder provides customization options to match nearly any shooting style or scene
• Touch & Drag AF allows for intuitive operation linking the Electronic Viewfinder and touch panel monitor to quickly adjust focus targeting without looking away from the viewfinder, or using Smooth Zone AF to effortlessly track subjects with the touch of a finger.
• 3.0 inch Vari-angle Touch LCD Monitor helps capture the perfect shot from a variety of challenging angles, including overhead or low-angle shooting.
• The G1 X Mark III is capable of fast continuous shooting up to approximately 7 frames per second (fps), or up to 9fps with AF fixed – working easily with Dual Pixel CMOS AF to track even the most fleeting of subjects with ease.
• A New Shutter Release function offers a sophisticated sense of operation, similar to high-end EOS models, providing a comfortable hold during continuous shooting

Canon Technologies Worthy of a Flagship

With technology ranging from HD video capabilities to the latest in connectivity features, the G1 X Mark III is versatile enough to achieve high-level performance on the go. Additional features include:
• Instantly connect to a smart device* via built-in Wi-Fi***, NFC^ or Bluetooth^^ to facilitate easy sharing with friends and family or utilize the Camera Connect app to shoot remotely.
• Panoramic Shot Mode functionality allows users to easily capture panoramic photos, simply be swinging the camera while shooting either vertically or horizontally.
• Capture Full HD 1080/60p Video with high ISO speed shooting and smooth accurate focus when used alongside Canon’s Dual Pixel AF technology, while 5-axis movie IS helps reduce the effect of camera shake when shooting handheld
• Easily capture picturesque Time-Lapse Movies with intuitive settings that help determine intervals and exposure

The Canon PowerShot G1 X Mark III is scheduled to be available in November 2017 for an estimated retail price of $1299.00¹. In addition the Canon Lens Hood LH-DC110, Waterproof Case WP-DC56 and Deluxe Leather Case PSC-6300 for the PowerShot G1 X Mark III will be available for an estimated retail price of $59.99, $499.99 and $99.99 respectively ¹. For more information please visit usa.canon.com.

*Image processing may cause a decrease in the number of pixels.

** 35mm film equivalent.

***Compatible with iOS® versions 9.3/10.3, Android™ smartphone and tablet versions 4.4/5.0/5.1/6.0/7.0/7.1. Data charges may apply with the download of the free Canon Camera Connect app. This app helps enable you to upload images to social media services. Please note that image files may contain personally identifiable information that may implicate privacy laws. Canon disclaims and has no responsibility for your use of such images. Canon does not obtain, collect or use such images or any information included in such images through this app.

^ Compatible with Android™ smartphone and tablet versions 4.4/5.0/5.1/6.0/7.0/7.1.

^^ Compatible with select smartphone and tablet devices (Android™ version 5.0 or later and the following iOS® devices: iPhone 4s or later, iPad 3rd gen. or later, iPod Touch 5th gen. or later) equipped with Bluetooth® version 4.0 or later and the Camera Connect.

¹Availability, prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Actual prices are set be individual dealers and may vary.

Bhakti Utamahttp://blog.bhaktiutama.com
A writer and photographer with a passion for technology, astronomy, and virtual reality. Skilled in multiple programming languages, specializing in software architecture.


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